emang bener ya kata orang-orang, fesbuk makin ga jelas gini.
banyak yang update status alay sampe ngalay, galauuu tiap detik berasa curhat sama emak, ada juga yang mo pup kudu bikin status dulu.
Helloooo, facebook is not a kind of dumping-tip guys! -,-
mending-mending kalo lo nyetatus gosip terbarunya yuni-raffi.. lol! *secara tipi di kos gue keder booo, jd bermanfaat buat gue getoh :p
ato bisa juga lo jadiin fesbuk as a syiar. nah, kan nambah-nambahin pahala tuh. sapa tau dimulusin jalan ke surga. amin.
hmmm, paling males lagi nih ya, kalo liat status fesbuk yang menye-menye!
putus ya putus, tapi ga usah pake "aq gag bisa idup tanpa kamuh yankk.. jgn tinggalin aq.. plissssssssshhh :( kamulah penyemangat idupku, satu2ny yg ngertiin aq, blablablablaaaaa".
Apalagi nyetatus geje macam "thanks for last night honey.. i love you soooooooo muaaccchh!"
Gila lo ya, abis ngapain coba? privasi dijaga dong boooo! -.- ato pikiran gue yang ga beres yah? haha whatever lah yaaaa.
Dan, segera deh gue melancarkan aksi block!
tapiiiiii, ada tapinya nih..
gimana kalo yang nyetatus gituan salah satu temen lo?
nah lo nah lo, bingung kan?
unfriend? nggaklahh..
block? gila lo!
yahh gue cuma berharap semoga manusia-manusia yang ga punya duit buat beli diary itu segera insyaf :)
semua itu emang butuh proses sih.
proses ato fase ya lebih tepatnya?
apapun itu, gue pikir semua orang ngalamin masa kayak gitu.
gue juga ga memungkiri hal itu, bahkan gue pikir saat inipun gue juga masih dalam tahap yah..you can call it menye-menye, mellow, geje, alay..you name it!
cuma beda kadar aja.
tiap hari tiap detik gue berusaha ngurangin kadar menye gue ke media sosial.
susah sih. tapi dicoba ajalah.
dan gue pikir blog ini juga salah satu hasil ke-menye-an gue.
keren kan, menye gue menghasilkan juga ternyata :p
liat deh postingan yang dulu-dulu.. ckck ampuuuunn!
haha emang ya kalo orang kelewat hepi ato kelewat sedih dengan kadar yang berlebihan hasilnya pasti lebay bin alay.
tapi gapapa deh, tuh postingan nggak gue hapus dulu.
dibuang sayang bo. pas bikin aja tengah malem ditemenin menangis semalamnya audy sambil ngelap ingus.
haha perjuangan banget kan *apanya coba -.-
ini sebenernya gue mo nulis apa juga ga ngerti deh.
oiya, gue ngebahas status.
tadi abis ngeliat status n wall temen gue ke pacarnya yang ehm.. disgusting.
pake sayang-sayangan mulu.. it's public, dear. lo ga punya pulsa? hp lo rusak? ato mo pamer?
sori ya gue ga bakal ngiri.
buat apa sih cowok? *ceileeehh efek patah ati.
haha najis deh ya patah ati. no wayyy!!
bukannya benci sama cowok ato trauma pacaran.
cuma males aja ngabisin waktu buat hal percum tak bergun macam gituan!
nyesel abeeezzzz.. *saking nyeselnya pake zet!
bukan nyesel gara-gara kenal dia loh yaaa.. nyesel sama waktu aja.. annnddd..
ckck kenapa gue menye lagi???!!
eniwei, gue pindah ke twitter. haha gahooll abeeezz yah 2011 baru twitteran.
nope nope, jangan salah, gini-gini gue bikin twitter jaman gue selangsing megan fox loh sodara-sodara.
ceritanya sekarang mulai aktif lagi gara-gara...
apa yahh.. gue juga ga ngerti.
intinya gue lagi napsu aja ngetwit.
fesbuk tetep eksis juga sih, buat mantau para saudagar hijab pemirsahhh.
haha gue lagi demen banget sama yang namanya online shopping.
maklum schedule padet, ga ada waktu buat ngemol ato jalan, so belanja online pilihannya :D *preeett
udah ah.. dadaaaahh, gue pindah menye ke twitter dulu yaaahhh..
muach! :D
December 31, 2011
December 17, 2011
500 Days of Summer
I'm not gonna write the review of this movie. You can read the review here to see the details.
Just take my most favorite conversation between Summer, McKenzie, and Tom. Also share some pictures of the movie.
McKenzie: [drunk] So do you have a boyfriend?
Summer: No.
McKenzie: Why not?
Summer: Because I don’t want one.
McKenzie: Come on; I don’t believe that.
Summer: You don’t believe that a woman could enjoy being free and independent?
McKenzie: Are you a lesbian?
Summer: [laughing] No I’m not a lesbian. I just, don’t feel comfortable being anyone’s girlfriend. I don’t actually feel comfortable being anyone’s anything.
McKenzie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Summer: Really?
McKenzie: Nope.
Summer: Ok, let me break it down for you–
McKenzie: Break it down!
Summer: Ok. I, like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world; might as well have fun while we can and, save the serious stuff for later.
McKenzie: You’re a dude. [to Tom] She’s a dude!
Tom: Ok but wait–wait. What happens, if you fall in love?
[she scoffs]
Tom: What?
Summer: You don’t believe that, do you?
Tom: It’s love, it’s not Santa Claus.
Just take my most favorite conversation between Summer, McKenzie, and Tom. Also share some pictures of the movie.
McKenzie: [drunk] So do you have a boyfriend?
Summer: No.
McKenzie: Why not?
Summer: Because I don’t want one.
McKenzie: Come on; I don’t believe that.
Summer: You don’t believe that a woman could enjoy being free and independent?
McKenzie: Are you a lesbian?
Summer: [laughing] No I’m not a lesbian. I just, don’t feel comfortable being anyone’s girlfriend. I don’t actually feel comfortable being anyone’s anything.
McKenzie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Summer: Really?
McKenzie: Nope.
Summer: Ok, let me break it down for you–
McKenzie: Break it down!
Summer: Ok. I, like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world; might as well have fun while we can and, save the serious stuff for later.
McKenzie: You’re a dude. [to Tom] She’s a dude!
Tom: Ok but wait–wait. What happens, if you fall in love?
[she scoffs]
Tom: What?
Summer: You don’t believe that, do you?
Tom: It’s love, it’s not Santa Claus.
"What happened? Why - Why didn't they work out?" "What always happens. Life."
(source: click here)
November 27, 2011
it feels so awkward knowing a man you dream about sitting next to you.
10.00 am - 12.15 pm
October 22, 2011
Summer is Out
Do we have to jump in a pool when we're already getting wet?
How if there's sludge hole within the water inside the pool?
I think I'm not gonna drown myself into that.
No more self-regret.
No more fens of wickedness.
Goodbye past.
End-Summer 2011
5.30 pm
September 17, 2011
A Journey To The Palace
as so many promises we make each other, finally my boy kept his promises one by one.
and there we were... the spirit of java and gudeg city.
it was really exhausted journey cause we went there by matic motorcycle that made my ass became flat -,-
but it was fun anyway.
started with a bowl of famous meatball in salatiga, bakso planet.
enjoying solo in evening.
walked around the street along triwindu antique market and took some snaps.
didn't buy anything there cause it's too pricy. i have to ask my mom to come to this place and buy me some good antique stuff.
continued to the palace that actually closed in 4pm and we arrived at about 5pm, so we got nothing.
just made some self-portrait in front of the palace.
had some yummy foods make me miss this city.
wedang ronde in the corner of town square. dawet selasih near klewer batik market.
and the 'it' meals are: gudeg cakar bu kasno and timlo solo!
you can found those meals only in one place, along slamet riyadi street, in front of pgs (pusat grosir solo). the name is galabo, stands for gladak langen bogan.
ahh if i had more time, i must try all foods there!
but the journey had to be continued.
and... jogja at night!
wandering jogja much times didn't make me know the streets very well.
we got lost but we were able to found out the way.
and found out tasty foods in kotabaru.
beef fried rice successfully made me full that night.
so yummy and tasty.
went to sunday morning market in the valley of gajah mada university on the next day.
aahhhh i've been crazy there. i can't stop shopping.
shirt, short, belt, sandals, bag, they're all super cheap!
continued to malioboro and bringharjo market to have lunch with pecel.
guess what, met a couple of foreigners and they did eat pecel, same as me! what a world.
the journey to the palace was began (again).
the palace of yogyakarta and tamansari water castle.
nice place to visit! :)
finished with a bowl of famous meatball (again) in temanggung, bakso lombok uleg.
love love love! :D
September 16, 2011
as i promised you in the previous post about giving random photos during hiatus, and here they are.
attending bunkasai (japan festival) in dian nuswantoro university on may.
well, it was the very first time i came to this kind of event after several times refused friend's invitation.
i do regret that several times!
wearing yukata and taking some shots with only 10k, eating some japanese foods, taking some pics with sophisticated cosplayer, enjoying cosplay cabaret competition.
what an event!
just another futile diet program!
cycling in early evening with friends becoming the new trend among university students recently.
fun enough yet healthier.
went to plantera fruit paradise and got nothing there.
no bearing fruit, expensive ticket without any facility, and guess what, me and family were the only one guest there.
very disappointing!
so we just took some pics in front of the building.
and happy eid mubarak everyone!
i'll continue to start blogging again.
give a warm hug please :*
September 3, 2011
Bye Hiatus!

actually i didn't do really important things during my hiatus.. just another similar stories. family, campus activities, friends, twist, boarding house, and love.
well maybe you guys know that something shit happened in my lovelife since i told you in the older posts before. i was thinking that it'd be better if i could walk out with again. but sometimes when you already get what you want, it's likely different with what you expected before. and sometimes 'it' case feels like so boring.
nah, i'm not gonna tell you about my relationship. just some random photos during three months off. i'll back in the next post.
April 30, 2011
Goodbye Lullaby
Always listening to Avril's latest album Goodbye Lullaby recently. Love all the songs, they're all nice. Furthermore the lyrics from some of her songs represents my feelings right now.
Darling you're just like Black Star. Please Stop Standing There, don't go anywhere even it's Not Enough only to see you Smile at me. Never Push me down, never hurt me though Everybody Hurts. But it's your choice to say Goodbye. Do you Remember When you said "I Love You For Real"?? What The Hell, it's only words! Well, hope you'll find another Alice who can love you more than I do. But still, I Wish You Were Here...
April 24, 2011
Weekend with Foster
Howdy fellas! How's your long weekend?
Three days off of school doesn't mean anything for me since I have to do some works. Finish the PKL proposal at a sugar factory near my house, study auditing for quiz on tomorrow Monday, and another work within my heart that I have to cure it by myself. Still, no-one can't heal my pain yet.
My Saturday was not really boring as I got the music videos of David Foster and Friends from my brotha. There were some awesome singers perform there and it was a really great performances from Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, Katharine McPhee, Peter Cetera, Babyface, and many more!
Three days off of school doesn't mean anything for me since I have to do some works. Finish the PKL proposal at a sugar factory near my house, study auditing for quiz on tomorrow Monday, and another work within my heart that I have to cure it by myself. Still, no-one can't heal my pain yet.
My Saturday was not really boring as I got the music videos of David Foster and Friends from my brotha. There were some awesome singers perform there and it was a really great performances from Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, Katharine McPhee, Peter Cetera, Babyface, and many more!
David Walter Foster, is a Canadian musician, record producer, composer, singer, songwriter and arranger, noted for discovering and producing some of the most successful artists in the world
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David Foster and Friends |
The most amazing performance
Andrea Bocelli and Katharine McPhee sing The Prayer
April 16, 2011
Had some photoshoots with besties using my webcam. Here are the pics...
and these are the pics of mine at my room when had nothing to do...
Hmmm I know this is such unimportant post. But who cares? :P
and these are the pics of mine at my room when had nothing to do...
Hmmm I know this is such unimportant post. But who cares? :P
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