July 17, 2012

twentyfirst greeting

hello it's mid July,
and the birthday has passed by.
just a quick post giving a greeting to elder luna :) 

can't thank enough for the surprises and wishes as well.
twentyone means nothing without tears and joy.
just live the life!

May 31, 2012

A Blast In Spark of Life

wow! feel like a lil bit amazed today!
there's something such a blast mixed with a spark of life.
iya, hari ini rasanya meaningful banget.
got so much life-lessons today. both from my teacher and my bestie.

sebenernya bukan dari temen sih. dari pacar temen lebih tepatnya.
no no no.. dari kelakuan pacar temen paling tepat!
oh boys, why do you have billion tricks to deceive us?
don't you know, we girls have so many ways to figure things out.
sepintar dan selicik apapun kalian coba buat memperdayai wanita, it won't works at all!
oke, awalnya (mungkin) kami para wanita mudah untuk diperdaya.
but we're not that fool dear!
we always try, try to find out the evidence. segala cara kami lakukan buat dapetin bukti.
and after finding them, we just need you to admit it! that's all.
no need to fake us anymore. we just need the truth.
after knowing the truth, let's talk it over.

ahh, cerita hari ini bikin ngeri sendiri kalo ngebayangin ngalamin kaya gitu.
semoga nggak. pasti nggak.
i'm a good girl, i deserve to get the best one.
tapi good girl juga patut waspada dong.
intinya sih ati-ati aja pas mutusin who's gonna be our date.
tapi kadang kita udah ati atiiii banget, masih aja kecolongan.
kalo kejadian gitu sih i prefer to leave him.
iya, nggak pake acara gencatan senjata dulu trus damai kemudian hari.
hey, who's gonna guarantee you that they won't do the same thing again?
ibarat orang nyandu, berapa kali rehabilitasi pun mereka bakal tetep kecanduan buat nyandu lagi dan lagi.
oke..ngga bisa mengkotakkan orang kaya gitu semua sih..tapi kebanyakan gitu kan?
correct me if i'm wrong.

well, jujur jadi makin takut buat milih seorang yang bakal nemenin kita hidup nantinya.
setelah banyak kejadian yg dialamin temen-temen pun aku sendiri.
no, i'm not a traumatic person.
bukannya trauma buat berkomitmen, but i just wanna make sure that he's the right one.
he who always be with me til death do us part. who always accept me anything i am. for better or for worse.
the one who always love me wholeheartedly. be faithful, no cheat, no excuse.
but i still don't know how to ensure myself that he's the one? anyone? pls tell me how..

kalo kata bu lilis pagi ini, wanita harus pintar memilih pria mana yang patut untuk diprioritaskan.
aahh..my law teacher always be my favorite!
she always inspire their students to get better life for future, and give good advices in facing this life.
ketika ada beberapa pria yang mencoba steal your attention, pintarlah untuk berprioritas.
mungkin iman dan kepribadian bisa jadi acuan untuk menentukan.
setelah yakin dialah imam terbaik, mulai deh meniti kehidupan *wow bahasanya -____-

terlalu banyak yang beliau ajarkan pada kami.
dan terlalu sering pula i forgot to post what she's said on this blog.
emang dasar pikuuuunnnn! hehehe..
oke, lanjut besok lagi kalo ingatan sudah membaik.
i'm gonna take a rest and continue to finish my task tomorrow morning.
nite :*

May 21, 2012

hell-o May!

hell-o May!

another hectic month in this startling year.
wish i could skip this month, the month after, and so on..
but still, life must go on.
and we must face this hardest situation with our best struggle no matter what.
no need to take a part on one's life.
no need to worry about who's gonna be our mate in grad day.
no need to drown our soul, somewhere belong.
no need.. no need to do something useless in this last two months!

all i need to do is just finish my final project, graduate from my school, and get a job while continuing my bachelor degree.
all i need to do is make mama and papa proud.
proud having a daughter like me.
i always try, and try.
in my own way.
i can't be someone else out there.
but i promise, i can be better and best for you two.


Luna :)

February 26, 2012

Cinta Gila #2

Jadi begini sodara. Ehem...nyampah gak yaaa? Iya aja dehhh biar ploonnggg.

Just like what I’ve told you before in the older post, posisi gue hampir mirip sama kayak si cowo gebetan temen gue. Tapi yang bikin beda disini adalah masalah hati aka cinta. Iya, cinta. Trus apa dong kalo ga cinta tapi deket kaya gitu?
Because I praise him a lot! He’s young and hot. Helloooo bahasanya doonngg. Haha.

Well, he’s 24 actually. Nggak gitu muda yah, tapi wajahnya booo, imyuutt bangettss. Haha, nope. He looks four years younger than his age. Lagian gue kan emang selera banget tuh ama cowo cowo berumur. Hehe, twist aka my rempong family know that criteria well. Asal bukan om om senang aja yaahhh. Dan dibalik wajah mudanya itulah tersimpan ketuaannya. Hihi bahasa gue nggak banget.

The point is, he’s out of my expectation. He’s totally different with what I’ve thought before! Iya, jadi first impression gue ke dia tuh biasa aja. He just like ordinary boy at first we met. Yah dia macam anak kuliahan biasa yang masih demen hepi hepi n ga mikirin idup gitu. Dan ternyata pemirsa, I’m totally wrong! In our next meet *bisa disebut first date ga yah?, I was so speechless. Dari yang pertama kali ketemu kita rame rame trus lanjut pertemuan kedua yang cuma berdua aja, gue yang melongo bloon banget waktu itu. He hypnotized me. Dan kemudian berlanjutlah ke pertemuan pertemuan berikutnya. Dan tetep lah yaaa, dia masih bikin gue melting.

And now my recent impression about him is, he’s young and (still) hot, experienced but not that mature, and such a good planner. Menurut gue sih. Di usianya yang masih muda kariernya udah cukup bagus. Dia kuliah plus gawe plus punya bisnis sendiri. Gimana gue nggak kagum ama dia, di sela sela kesibukan bikin tugas akhirnya, dia masih tetep gawe n ngurusin bisnis plus dia sibuk les sana sini. Wow. Salut deh buat managernya *eh emang dia artis? -____-

Mmm..mungkin gara gara LDR kali yaa makanya dia cari kesibukan yang bermanfaat. Iya, he’s actually taken. Statusnya taken, dia udah punya cewe. Gue disini cuma sebagai temen. Nggak lebih. Entah dia anggep gue apa. Yang pasti dia ngakunya udah ga jelas ama cewenya. Dia ga bisa LDR. Tiap gue nanya “why”, jawabnya selalu “ngga tau, pokoknya ngga bisa.” Such a good answer, isn’t it? -,- yah intinya gue jalanin aja temenan ama dia. Walopun di sisi lain gue ngerasa bersalah, cewenya jauh disana gue malah hepi hepi ama dia.

Apa ya, tadinya gue anggep dia another pleasant distraction. Tapi makin kesini unsur pleasant-nya makin ilang dan malah jadi unpleasant yah. Gatau gara gara apa. I’m not that into him, maybe. Jadi kalo tujuan dia have fun ama gue selama ditinggal cewenya LDRan, ya gue welcome-in aja. Toh gue juga masih butuh waktu buat seneng seneng. I’m 20 and still young, he said. Iya yah, gue ga bakal sadar kalo dia ga bilang gue masih muda. Kemarin dulu gue sempet mikir gue udah ga muda lagi, udah bukan waktunya buat pacaran yang main main. Makanya pacaran yang kemarin I took it too serious. Padahal hasilnya juga sama aja, nihil. Ujung ujungnya putus. Terlalu ngoyo mungkin kemarin. Tapi bukan berarti kalo gue pacaran lagi ntar bakal main main. Serius tapi ga terlalu serius *plaakkkk!! Haha, gimana ya ngomongnya. Serious but not hoping that much. Mungkin gitu tepatnya. Jodoh udah ada yang ngatur kok.

Makanya si emas yang satu ini gue tanggepin aja, yah itung itung buat ngilangin stress TA plus nambah temen kan sah sah aja. Maap ya buat embaknya yang jauh disono, ngga bermaksud apa apa kok mbak. We’re just friends. Ambil judul filmnya si Timberlake nih, we’re friends with benefits. Iya, banyak banget untung yang aku ambil dari kenal si emas ini. He’s smart. Dapet pelajaran banyak dari dia. Walopun dia hidup di dunia permesinan, yet he’s good in economic. Entah gue yang saking parahnya ato dia yang saking pinternya juga gue ga ngerti. Intinya dia mudeng akuntansi, gue malah diajarin banyak hal ama dia. Curi ilmu dari dia gue bilang *wink*

Ke depannya gue ga ngerti bakal gimana. Yang penting gue jalanin idup gue apa adanya dulu. Toh gue juga lagi sibuk bikin TA, gamau mikir kaya gitu yang ujungnya ntar malah bikin sakit. Gue muda, cantik, berbakat *haha amiinn. Jalan gue masih panjang. Gue masih kudu les sana sini, nerusin S1, gawe, gue masih punya banyyaaaaakkk kesempatan buat ketemu n kenal orang orang baru. Ga nutup kemungkinan juga kan gue bakal nemu jodoh gue di sela sela kesibukan gue. Intinya buat ke depan, jangan terlalu ngoyo. Let it flow. Just go with it. Ga ada yang tau gimana bakal kelanjutan cerita gue sama si emas. Mungkin bakal tumbuh benih benih asmara antara kita *ceilee, ato mungkin cewenya balik trus dia lanjut ama cewenya, ato malah mungkin kita stop sampe disini. Who knows? Yang gue pingin kita ngejalanin ini semua kaya gini aja. Ga lebih, tapi juga ga kurang.

God is a best director ever ;) 

Cinta Gila #1

Just got a message from a friend of mine. She told me that another friend of mine gonna get a surprise from her crush.
Halah ribet banget bahasa gue. Haha, intinya temen gue bakalan dapet surprise dari gebetannya. Mmm..gebetan ato pacar kedua ato selingkuhan yah tepatnya? You name it! gue sendiri juga bingung nyebut apaan. Hanya Tuhan, temen gue, pacarnya temen gue, n calon pacar kedua temen gue yang tau. *idiiihh bahasanya booo..apaan tuh calon pacar kedua?? Haha.
Stop talking about pacar-pacaran! Ribet ih ngomongin begituan. Nah, yang mo gue sampahin omongin disini tentang cinta. Lebih tepatnya gilanya cinta kali ya. Ato cintanya gila? Zzzzz...

Well, kalo udah ngomongin masalah cinta emang ga ada habisnya. Karena cinta itu universal. Cinta kita ke Tuhan, ortu, sodara, sepupu, om, tante, eyang, buyut, temen, bapak ibu guru, bapak tukang bakso *eh,and the bla and the bla. Kasusnya pun macem macem. Ada cinta dibalas dengan dusta, cinta tak berbalas, cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan *bedanya apa coba?, cinta mati, cinta gila, cinta kuya -____-

Kasus temen gue diatas mungkin bisa kita sebut cinta gila. Gila? Crazy? Krezi?
Iya, menurut gue sih. Nggak gila gimana, temen gue jelas jelas udah berlabel, si cowo gebetannya nyosooorr mulu. Mmm..tapi bukan sepenuhnya salah si bebek tukang nyosor yah, bebek ga bakalan nyosor kok kalo ga ada ikan asin di depan mata *loh loh, itu kan makanan paporit si empusss -____-
Hehe intinya temen gue juga welcome sama si cowo gebetannya. Plus, dia juga ngasi sinyal sinyal cinta *ceileh. Gimana si cowo ga geer coba? Apalagi nih ya, temen gue LDRan sama si pacar. Wow, kesempatan emas buat si cowo gebetan! Apalagi (lagi) nih ya,temen gue n si gebetan ngeshift bareng. Ckck, witing tresno jalaran soko kulino. Ya nggak? Iyaaaaaaa...

Trus kalo gitu salah sapa? Salah gue? Salah temen temen gue? *idih ngiklan banget gue -____-
Salah sapa yaaa.. gue ga berani ngejudge lah. Namanya juga cinta. Loh, kok malah nyalahin si cinta? Ampun uyaaaaaa! T.T *halah

Ntar kalo gue bilang si gebetan cowo yang salah, gue kena donggg. How come? Let me tell you in the next post ;)

January 31, 2012

Get To Know More About Me

50 Questions To Really Get To Know Someone
1) Are you a morning or night person?evening?
2) Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?I'm sweet :)
3) Ninjas or pirates?I love Johnny Depp, so?
4) Ninjas vs pirates, discuss.umm..
5) Autobots or Decepticons?what's this? -,-"
6) What was your favorite childhood television program?esperanza, rosalinda? lol! :D
7) Are you a collector of anything?nope
8) If you could be any animal, what would you be?I love being human :)
9) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?turn back the time!
10) What is usually your first thought when you wake up?7 am & campus! -_____-
11) What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?future me, and family
12) What's your favorite color?pink and others
13) What's your favorite animal?bunny!
14) Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?hm?
15) Do you believe in ghosts?don't ask!
16) Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)?never ever
17) You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?I want much more :p
18) Have any bad habits?sure!
19) Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy?mmm.. too many anw! :p
20) List 3 of your best personality traits:loyal (?) kind (?) like to learn sumthin new (?)
21) List 3 of your worst personality traits:lazy (!) take much times to understand (:p) lazy (!)
22) Have any celebrity crushes?are fashion bloggers belong to celeb?
23) List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself:being humble and slimmer! more than one is opkay, isn't it? :p
24) Any tattoos or piercings?I want one, actually
25) What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?his clever-nice-look
26) What personality traits do you look for in a partner?fun smart and superpatient!
27) What personality traits do you dislike in other people?dishonest
28) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years?classy (clean+messy) :p that's absolutely my dream!
29) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?I told you, I'm classy! :D
30) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?J-A-P-A-N
31) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?J-A-P-A-N-!-!
32) List 5 goals on your life's to-do list:make parents proud, be a careerwoman, get married in 25, get my master before 27, have a gorgeus life with my future family :)
33) Name 1 regret you have:you don't need to know
34) Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid:have no worries!
35) Name 1 thing you love about being an adult:I'm (still) young
36) What's your favorite song of the moment?Putus Saja - Gamal Audrey Cantika
37) What's your favorite song of all time?David Foster's
38) What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?lil chat with mom before going to sleep ;)
39) What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?eat with mom and dad
40) Have any hidden talents?creative designer!
41) You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal?anything! yes, I love eating a lot! :D
42) What would be your dream job?(actually) a diplomat
43) Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?both!
44) If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?take International Relation class, marry a man I dream about, and get happiness all of my life!
45) Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why?Men don't get monthly sickness!
46) Name 1 thing not many people know about you:I have Chacha in my life. Don't you know that?
47) If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?chiproedhz? lol, never! -___-
48) Do you believe in the afterlife?sure!
49) On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies?full of regret!
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January 30, 2012

Quality Time

just had a quality time with mama and papa today. Love it! <3

January 26, 2012

Introducing: Chilooo!

It's raining outside I'm lying inside :D

no more soko's tonite!
it's midnite and am gonna have a final test for tomorrow and am still here wif pals.
no book, no study, no discussion.
it's me, pals, and chiloooo of course! ;)

wondering who's chiloooo?

he (or she?) is our baby!
yes, OUR!
haha, actually she's momon's daughter.
she's too cute, everybody loves her!

and here is our fatty! :D

lazy chiloooo!

being an ambassador :p

see how cute she is!
and am gonna sleep wif this fatty cute lazy chilooo tonite :D *happy*

buhbyeee fellas!
wish me luck for tomorrow test and get some miracle in doing the test! >,< lol


January 21, 2012


happy (not so) long weekend everybodyyyyhh!!

too much assignments have to be done, get ready for uas next week, prepare my next project, wait the good news from the company, and so on.
no weekend after all.

ahh, no worries about that.
just do the best and let God do the rest ;)
such a calming words isn't it?

I've been being a freak blogwalker lately.
used to read fashionblog all these times and now turn my passion into a blogdiary or a life-journey blog or something like that.
aaanndd, I read them most all of my time.
during my free time or even in campus hours.
blame them for telling such a good journey in life.

yes, me always like life-lessons to be learned.
don't know why, but catching them is more rationable than hearing someone says "don't do that because blablabla then you will blablabla if you do that!"
oh come on, am not a seven year-old girl anymore.

I need to get mooorreee experiences in life so I can conclude whether it's bad or not.
doesn't mean I have to try all the things by myself.
I can get it all from my buddies, family, acquaintance, ppl I know in the streets, surroundings, or even by blogwalking.

not to mention that beside they have a good story to tell, plus they have a (quite) good sense in fashion too.
so I get both from their open-diaries ;)

anw, wish me luck for my project.
I hope I can do mine within four months.

January 12, 2012

Like My Status!

Just did something stupid few minutes ago.
And the shit because of facebook again!
Well I think I have to deactivate my account in facebook.
Since it gives no luck for me.

Well, there was someone chat me on facebook asking me to like his status.
When I saw his display name is using alay name and I don't know him, I said to him that I won't like his status using impolite words. Then he chat me again and start blowing my mind up.
I opened his facebook account and turned the block button.
When blocking was in process, I realized something.
I was thinking that he's not a stranger, I ever saw this kind of mustache!
Then I looked at the occupation... and, yeah he is!
He's one of my (fav) english teacher in an English Institution I took few years ago.
Huhuuu.. I've already blocked him!
I have to unblock him and apologize to him. But I have to collect my courage first -,-

January 9, 2012

Aloha 2012!

Aloooohhhhaaaaaaa!! :D :D :D
see, I'm too much in saying Aloha! lol. 

No, I'm not feeling glad. Nor amazed. Today.
I just wanna shout Aloha to you! :D

Oh God, you see I write so many happy emoticons right here.
Yes, I'm feeling good recently. So good!

I spent most of my time with family, yes my complete fams.
Me, parents, two brothers, and sister in law.
We were going nowhere but i just love my time with them.
And finally knowing that my eldest brother's house is inhabitable from now on. Yes I do happy for that!
Seeing their efforts to build this kind of home, to chase their every dream, and to live their life to the fullest.
You know, you guys are such inspiration for me.
Young and Succeed. It's everyone's dream I know.
I'm proud of having you.
But I really really wanna be more than you! Yeah, at least the same? Umm..nope.
I have to be much more succeed than you two. Amen!  

I always waiting when is my time.
The time when I make my parents proud of having me.
The time when I could give retribution to my brothers for their kindness.
The time when family feel glad for being around.
And too many others time.
I'm still waiting through my own efforts and courages.

Talking about life and effort, I should put so many efforts in my life.
This year's gonna be hard enough for me. 
I have to finish my final project and graduate in midyear. 
Hope it's all gonna be fine.

Happy New Year 2012 anyway.
Umm actually I don't really make it.
But if you wanna know what's mine, yeah I'm gonna tell you then! The five tops only :p

1. Finish final project in May and write it in English
2. Take acceleration session in June (or July?)
3. Continue my bachelor in UNS or UGM
4. Get a job
5. Get my own tablet from my own money! :p

I must say billion Amens for those resolutions and another resolutions that I don't write it down.
Hope I could reach all those dreams and it works out well. Amen Amen Amen!

So, how's yours? ;)